Assault and battery charges are very serious charges, and they require a very serious, competent, and aggressive defense. If you or someone you know has recently been charged with assault and battery, it is absolutely critical that you enlist the right team of skilled, passionate, and dedicated defense lawyers to structure a clear and concise defense that keeps your best interests at heart.
The Law Offices of John J Caffrey have built a name for ourselves as a trusted defense partner for those who have recently been charged with assault and battery. As specialists in this area, we’re strategically positioned to provide you with the targeted support you need during this complex legal battle.
In order to serve our clients, we collect a wide range of evidence and testimony related to your case to support a variety of potential outcomes. We’ll review any and all available camera footage of the event in question, we’ll take a look at surveillance footage, we’ll contact potential witnesses, and we’ll provided clear and thorough cross-examination during your trial.
Our goal is to ensure that our clients receive a thorough defense that helps to mitigate the extremity of any potential legal fallout – from records, criminal charges, and fines, to jail time and probation.
Just because you’ve been served with a lawsuit does not mean that you’re a criminal, and our team is here to make sure that this notion holds true. If you or someone you know has recently been charged with an assault and battery related offense, get in touch with our team to learn more about how we can defend you in court.
We’re committed to your success at trial, and we’ve got the track record to prove that our legal strategy works. Contact us today and let’s work together to build your case.